Important information

Morgan Pierce Media & Publishing™ is unique in the world of publishing because we’re neither traditional publishing nor are we self-publishing. As an independent publisher, we bill ourselves as a “hybrid” for authors, and we proudly occupy a much-needed alternative in a rapidly changing publishing landscape.

What exactly do you do?

Simply put, we’re here to provide you, the Author, with the services necessary to design, produce, market, and distribute your book, all under the umbrella of our company.

Think of us as a One-Stop-Shop for all your publishing needs!

If you had to source your own book cover designer, copy editor, proofreader, social media specialist, and marketing person, you’d never have time to write again!

At Morgan Pierce Media & Publishing™, we have experienced staff to support all your publishing/Author needs. We help you produce a professional, finished product you can be proud of, and then we help distribute and market it to the world.

When you partner with Morgan Pierce Media & Publishing™, you immediately benefit from our turn-key, One-Stop-Shopping approach to book publishing and marketing.

Once publishing is complete, we’ll work to assist you through the promotion process, providing Social Media support, an Author’s page, and numerous miscellaneous/pertinent contact and promotional materials—leaving you with zero guesswork throughout the process!

Would you own the rights to my manuscript?

Never! You completely and entirely own the rights to your book. You have full ownership of your work.

Are you considered a Vanity Press?

Not at all!

Most Vanity Press publishers take control of an author’s work and own it.  When utilizing a Vanity Press, the author loses all rights to their book. At Morgan Pierce Media & Publishing™, we guarantee our authors retain the rights and ownership once published.

Do I keep my royalties?

The royalties generated from the sale of your book are entirely your own. Here at Morgan Pierce Media & Publishing™, we don’t touch your royalties! The fees for our services that you pay upfront are all we collect from you.

Once your book is published and out in the world, according to the service package chosen, we bow out, leaving you center stage to collect your accolades and moolah!

Morgan Pierce Media & Publishing™ will provide you with access to detailed accounting and royalty reports via a secure client login portal through KDP Amazon and BarnesandNoble.com. where you have access to all accounting information, i.e., book and eBook purchases – the amount of royalties earned and paid directly to your account.

Will I get physical copies of my book?

Yes. We will send you ten copies of your book for your private use and distribution to friends and family. Additional copies can be ordered via Amazon at author pricing (basically the cost of printing the book).

Do you publish in all formats?

Yes, we publish in all formats: hardcover, paperback, eBook, and audiobook (to be determined depending upon the package purchased). We also handle all Author promotion via online/blogging/ezine support and social media venues.

Do you offer ghost writing services?

While we aren’t big fans of accepting ghostwriting contracts, we do accept them based on our belief that the story concept will meet our standards and that you will sell books – and make some money.

We bring the best ghostwriters on board to provide you with the best value for your money. Our writers collaborate with you extensively and welcome your suggestions and feedback. We incorporate the elements of storytelling and writing in a way that serves your target readers effectively.

Pricing for ghostwriting can run anywhere from thirty cents a word and up: 

  • A typical fiction novel costs thirty cents per word.
  • A typical non-fiction (Memoirs, Autobiography, Biography) costs forty cents per word.
  • A typical detailed business or technical book costs approximately fifty cents per word.

Please refer back to our ghostwriting services for more information.

Do you accept books that have already been published?

No, we do not accept books that have been published.

How do we begin this process and what do I get for my fee?

A Morgan Pierce Media & Publishing™ staff member will work closely with you to gather everything necessary for a seamless and successful publishing and marketing process re: your book.

Examples include: your manuscript, Author photo, all necessary artwork, illustrations, and images.

We will work with you to create what you don’t already have in place.

We provide layout direction and book cover creation.  These designs will include your input; we don’t publish without your approval.

We can also provide Author Branding, Marketing, Social Media/blogging/eBlast, and press release support.

We consistently provide several types of editing services throughout the process:
a) Developmental Editing – This type of editing focuses on improving the overall story elements, i.e., character development, plot enhancements, tightening of segues and chapter development, clarifying of settings, and scene enhancements. Our developmental editors work to provide you with the very best version of your manuscript.

Some of our staff editors also have Film/TV and script writing backgrounds, which provide a highly specialized level of writing, scene setting, and editing detail.

b) Copyediting – This process checks your manuscript for mistakes, inconsistencies, and repetition.

The truth is that the more you read your own manuscript, checking for errors, the more likely you overlook basic problems/issues.

c) Proofreading – After the Copyediting process comes yet another pair of fresh eyes pouring over your manuscript. This is one of the last stages, where your manuscript receives its final polish. It’s carefully checked for any remaining grammatical, spelling, or formatting errors/issues/ inconsistencies.

d) Line Editing – This process is precisely what it says: our editor checks your book line-by-line, tightening sentence structure and making the language sharp and clear. Word choice and syntax contribute to a manuscript’s overall emotion and tone. This final tightening and polish are crucial.

Your input/approval is sought every step of the way, and we will not fundamentally alter your storyline or manuscript without discussing the suggested changes with you in detail first.

We offer one very straightforward and well-thought-out book publishing package and an optional long-term marketing package.

Very simple. Very easy – and with no hidden fees or surprises! Morgan Pierce Media & Publishing™ will also provide you with access to detailed accounting and royalty reports via a secure client login portal through KDP Amazon and BarnesandNoble.com.

While most other companies flex their pricing based on things like binding type, page size, and illustration, which can significantly increase your risk of additional, unexpected out-of-pocket expenses, when you work with Morgan Pierce Media & Publishing™, you know going into the process exactly what you’ll be getting and exactly how much you’ll be charged.

After all is said and done, and my book is published, where will it be distributed and how will you promote it- and me as the Author?

At Morgan Pierce Media & Publishing™, we work with only preferred partners to distribute your book and promote you worldwide as its author. We distribute via Vervante, IngramSpark, as well as other POD Printers, and major outlets and online retailers, i.e.,  Amazon, BarnesandNoble.com, Goodreads, and numerous local and regional independent bookstores and, in the case of Audio Books, numerous online streaming services.

Morgan Pierce Media & Publishing™ Marketing options at your disposal: PR Services (podcasts, interviews, etc.) Press kit-Author page and Author business card/Digital press room/Online news releases/Search engine marketing and optimization/ Outreach to local, regional, and national Bookstores/ Google Book Search/Online retailer listing/Industry trade directories.

Will you employ Social Media for marketing me and my book?

Absolutely! We constantly study social media demographics to ensure your book reaches the right audience. At Morgan Pierce Media & Publishing™, we work hard to manage your online presence over numerous social media platforms, and via the branded Author Page, you will be provided on our website. Our main book publishing package includes your book launch’s first 90 days of marketing. We also offer an extended marketing package for the life of your book for $1150/month.

What file types do you accept for my manuscript submission?

A completed manuscript typed in almost any digital format is preferable. We accept PDFs, Microsoft Word, or other text editor program files. 

How long will it take to publish my book?

We strive for a maximum timeline of 8-10 months, but most authors see their books available through major print and online distribution channels within 5-8 months.

Upon acceptance of your manuscript, your book will enter the queue along with our other authors. You will be assigned a publishing assistant within two weeks of acceptance.

Legal Disclaimers

Plagiarism: We try our best to detect and prevent plagiarism, however, the onus falls to the author to correctly cite and reference the sources used in their work/manuscript. Morgan Pierce Media & Publishing™ will not be held responsible for the authors’ failure to disclose those sources properly.

Typos: Despite our very best efforts, which include vigorous editing and proofreading processes, as well as sending a final proof of the manuscript for sign-off by the Author, sometimes a typo slips through, and a book gets published containing said typo. Morgan Pierce Media & Publishing™ will not be held responsible for undetected typos after the book goes to print.

General Disclaimer: Here at Morgan Pierce Media & Publishing™, we strive to make certain the information conveyed by our authors is factually accurate. With that said, we also wish to go on the record stating that the opinions and beliefs expressed by our authors are not necessarily that of our own. As publisher, we provide book contents on an As-Is basis and make no representations or warranties of any kind. We’ve gone to great lengths to confirm our publications’ accuracy and quality but assume no responsibility for omissions, inaccuracies/ errors, or other inconsistencies. Any similarities to people and events are purely coincidental- unless otherwise notated.

1942 Amsterdam Ave NY (212) 862-3680 chapterone@qodeinteractive.com

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